Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beach Livin'?

Beach livin'? More like, fuck you asshole. One month until I move out and I'm told that my plans to have roommates in a beach condo are shot, now I scramble to find a place to call my own. I might need to rent a room out of a house or something, hopefully I don't end up back home. Not that there's any room for me there anyways. Looking for a studio in costa mesa. Closeish to the beach, and lots more stuff to do than Irvine. Want to kill roomate. What a fuck.

"We cut our wrists like cheap coupons
And say that death was on sale today."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Beach Livin'

I am so close to sealing the deal on a new apartment/house to live in for the next year. Hopefully we can get something close to the beach, it's expensive but so worth it. The vibe we got walking around Newport Peninsula was just awesome, people barbecuing on their porches, young people riding bikes around, just an overall feeling of good. When one thing ends another begins. So ready to start anew. Feels like I've been stuck in quicksand and I got my lifeline. Sucks though, I have to pack all my shit up. I'll be throwing lots of stuff out too, so if anyone wants anything (if you actually know me) let me know and we'll see.

"Everyone's afraid of their own life
If you could be anything you want
I bet you'd be disappointed, am I right?"

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Good Times

Sometimes all you need is a good talk with an old friend. Everything always works out in the end, so it's pointless to stress about the little things. I have enjoyed rotting in this chair the past few days growing virtual veggies with a close sibling. I have enjoyed hacking accounts secretly to obtain some noodles and precious metals. I have enjoyed late night conversations with old friends talking about anything from the Office to the inevitability of two red heads to produce a red-headed offspring. And amidst all this enjoyment I am sure there has been some unpleasantness, but I don't remember what it was. Don't sweat the little things. They really don't matter.

And now I begin a new tradition for this shitty blog: I am going to post a lyric from a song that is on my mind at the end of each post. If anyone would like to guess at what the song/artist is go ahead, but don't be a tool and google the line and then ruin the fun for everyone.

"It's hard to get hold of
And hard to let go
Always something we look for
From the day we were born
Instead we're the people that we wanted to know
And we're the places that we wanted to go"