Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's my first time, be gentle

I am starting a blog to document conversations with strangers. I am shy and hopefully this will help to alleviate some of my social anxieties as well as provide some amusing stories. I know this post is shite, but hopefully I will strike some gold on the blogs to follow. Bear with me, and enjoy the show.

1 comment:

  1. I have only one issue with your blog: it is bad to talk to strangers. Stranger Danger is what we ought to be teaching the children and as an educational facilitator it should be your life goal to not meet a single new person ever so as to set the proper example to our youth. This blog is a slap in the face to the public school system, as well as my own personal way of life. For shame!

    But really, I hope it works out and you conquer your fear.
